Keynote Announcement

Keynote: TBD by Dalton D Lunga


Bio: Dalton is a group leader for GeoAI and a senior R&D staff scientist at ORNL. He is an Associate Editor for Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. He is an interdisciplinary scientist with expertise in artificial intelligence, computer vision, high-performance computing and remote sensing. Dalton leads multidisciplinary teams and projects focused on developing novel methods at the intersection of AI, computer vision, and geography toward the built and physical environment mapping using earth observation data. His research is impacting the generation of accurate population estimates and information about urban growth and decline, informing disaster response, identifying at-risk areas to support national security application challenges. Prior to ORNL, Dalton was a Team Lead and Senior Research Scientist at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, South Africa where he established and led a Data Science for Decision Impact Team. He received his Ph.D in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Purdue University, West Lafayette.

Keynote Announcement

Keynote: TBD by Aisha Walcott


Bio: Dr. Aisha Walcott is a Senior Staff Research Scientist and head of Google Research Kenya. She has over a decade of experience working in Africa and leading teams to develop innovative technologies that leverage AI and computing to address some of Africa’s most pressing challenges. Her current work focuses on challenges of Africa’s food systems and exploring ways in which advances in AI tools can make an impact on food security through building resilience in food systems.

Prior to her time at Google, she was a Senior Technical Staff Member at IBM Research Africa, and led projects in developing AI tools for global health, water management and access, as well as transportation. Currently, she serves on the board for the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) doctoral research program in data science, and is a Workshops co-chair for the International Conference on Learning and Representations 2023 (ICLR’23) - to be held in Rwanda May 2023. Dr. Walcott earned her PhD in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at MIT with a focus on robotics.


CFP @ GeoAI for a Sustainable Future in Africa Workshop @ DLI 2024

Call for Abstarct:

Come join us for an exciting workshop (see :link: below) at Deep Learning Indaba 2024 in Dakar, Senegal: We welcome submissions on geospatial AI to address critical challenges across Africa including food security :corn: , disaster response :rotating_light: , urban development :house_buildings: , climate action :deciduous_tree: , public health :hospital:, and more. Please submit your extended abstract (2 pages maximum) by July 1st here: