
The GeoAI for a Sustainable Future in Africa Workshop @ DeepIndaba 2024

Geospatial AI (GeoAI) has immense potential to address critical challenges across Africa including food security, disaster response, urban development, climate action, public health, and more. Our workshop aims to provide a forum for practitioners, researchers, engineers, and domain experts to discuss the current challenges, advancements, and ethical considerations in applied GeoAI for Africa through a series of curated presentations, panel discussions, posters, and networking sessions. We also aim to organize an educational practical on the field of geospatial machine learning (ML), open to a larger audience. Key topics will include remote sensing, spatial analytics, and data-driven geospatial ML for sustainable development. This workshop is mainly organized by members of GeoAI Africa, a community dedicated to using geospatial data and ML technologies to tackle various critical challenges across Africa, from urban development and agriculture to climate action and disaster response

In this second edition of the workshop, we aim to bring researchers, policymakers, and regulators to discuss ways to ensure security and transparency while addressing fundamental problems in developing countries, particularly, when data and models are imported and/or collected locally with less focus on ethical considerations and governance guidelines.

Workshop Goals and Objectives:

Our primary goal is to foster the implementation of GeoAI solutions across different sectors for the sustainable development of African nations. Objectives include:

This workshop is a successor to previous events such as:
